The Coyote is OUT NOW!

We are super happy to share our second of 2 live session videos “THE COYOTE” with you all!
We hope you will enjoy it! You can listen to it on Spotify, Youtube and everywhere else!

Fresh From The Freezer is out now!

Our first single “Fresh From The Freezer” is out now!
Find it on Youtube and Spotify and wherever you listen to music ♫

The single is one of two tunes recorded live at Esbjerg Bryghus by Uffe Birk. The tune is a modern take on a jazz standard.

This tune was the first thing that came out of me after sitting in a room for 5 months after the pandemic hit us the first time. I sat down at the piano and this thing came out. It must have been there for a while but it was completely new for me. That’s why i chose to call it “Fresh From The Freezer”.

Christoffer Skovhus – Drummer and composer in Woodhouse