Young Vibrant Modern Jazz

Young Vibrant Modern Jazz

Woodhouse – The Music

Woodhouse is young, Danish “Nu jazz” composed by Christoffer Skovhus. The music invites the listener into a odd-time-hiphop-universe with Balkan inspired saxophone sound, hip grooves, strong bass lines and dreaming keys that creates a unique and energetic sound. Ahead awaits a tour de force with a group, that has given modern danish jazz a fresh and vibrant sound with a new power dimension.

Woodhouse was in the spring of 2022 a part of the prestigious jazz competition “Jazzkonkurrencen”, arranged by Jazz Danmark, where they won the “audience award”

Christoffer Skovhus – Drums
Thomas Occhionero – Sax
Jakob Nissen – Keys
Jakob Jakobsen – Bass

The 4 friends met at the Danish National Academy of Music in Denmark.
Together they have a common interest in exploring jazz and grooves. With music that could be played by a bigger band the members tries to make their roles bigger and uses effects and electronic elements to widen their sound when the music is at its largest.

For Concerts and updates follow Woodhouse on Facebook and Instagram or go to the Concert page.
For Booking go to our Contact page.

The Band

Woodhouse band 1
Woodhouse Band 2
Woodhouse Band 3
Woodhouse Band 4